Y.L.T.R.A.P.P.E.D. , INC. is a 501 (c) (3)

Helki Roundtree

helkiHelki Roundtree is President of AccessHealth Wellness, LLC, an Health Improvement and Protection Consultancy dedicated to offering high quality solutions and excellent customer service to our clients. She is an advocate of maintaining Health and Wellness through products, such as life and health insurance and process, such as nutrition and physical well-being. She is also the Co-founder and Provost of the American School of Nedicine, an online bilingual alternative medicine school. Nedicine is a new and dynamic branch of natural medicine based on the science of information as medicine, which is informational medicine related to quantum electrodynamics.

Ms. Roundtree is a non-executive board member and Program Director of YLTRAPPED, a non-profit organization that grooms young ladies ages 14-21 to succeed academically, financially, and socially within their communities.

Ms. Roundtree received an Associate’s degree in Information Systems Technology from Berkeley College in 1995 and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Rasmussen College in 2012. Ms. Roundtree also holds a Health and Life insurance producer license in several states: Connecticut, Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. Ms. Roundtree’s extracurricular activities include organizing lectures, seminars, and health fairs and volunteering as a committee member responsible for recordkeeping and distributing food for Calvary SDA Food Pantry, a member of the CT FoodBank.